The P.R.I.S.M. method is a structured approach to writing notes, focusing on key elements. Let’s apply the P.R.I.S.M. method to rewrite the provided information about creating effective study notes:

P – Purposeful Planning:
Before diving into note-taking, consider your learning style. Identify whether you are an auditory, visual, physical learner, or a combination of these. Tailor your note-taking format to suit your preferences. Whether it’s audio recordings, visual aids, physical activities, or a mix, planning according to your learning style enhances the effectiveness of your study notes.

R – Relevant Summarisation:
Summarise content systematically. Start by going through the syllabus chronologically, ensuring a solid foundation of background information. Focus on writing concise, personalised summaries in your own words. Use diagrams, flowcharts, or brief points to distill complex concepts. Prioritise harder topics and create both topic and module summaries. Keeping your summaries relevant ensures a clear and targeted study resource.

I – Interactive Note-Taking in Class:
Engage in pre-reading before class to familiarise yourself with upcoming concepts. During class, separate known information from new material. Utilise class time to answer questions and integrate class notes into your overall set of notes. Develop interactive note-taking techniques such as asking questions, connecting concepts, and highlighting key points. This method ensures that your class notes are dynamic and contribute effectively to your study materials.

S – Systematic Learning:
Learning your study notes goes beyond creating them. Schedule regular review sessions to reinforce your memory. Systematically practice recalling information at different intervals—short-term and long-term. Consistency is crucial for strengthening memory neurons. Acknowledge that studying can be challenging, and if you miss a session, don’t be too hard on yourself. Consistent, systematic effort is the key to mastering the content.

M – Multiple Formats:
Recognise the value of using multiple formats in note-taking. Whether it’s handwritten notes, typed documents, audio recordings, or visual aids, leverage a combination that suits your learning style. Experiment with different formats to find the most effective way to absorb and retain information. Combining formats enhances your understanding and memory, making your study notes more comprehensive.

By applying the P.R.I.S.M. method, you can create purposeful, relevant, interactive, systematic, and multi-format study notes that cater to your unique learning style and contribute to effective exam preparation.